The following complementary Therapies may be included in BodyTalk healing sessions
- San Baio Energetic Acupuncture - The safest and most effective Classic Chinese acupuncture points and combinations that date back thousands of years. Points may be stimulated using essential oils, cool healing laser, magnets, seeds, Moxa or gentle touch.
- The Veiltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage - A lymphatic drainage method with no contraindications. VMLD gently stimulates the lymphatic system and can also release trapped molecules of emotions that may be stored in the tissues. The lymphatic system influences absolutely every function of the body and is responsible for the proper elimination of toxins and influences our immune system so a well functioning lymphatic system is crucial to good health.
- Reiki - A natural method of spiritual healing and self-improvement
- Touch For Health Gentle touch is used to open up blockages in Meridian Energy pathways
- dōTERRA Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils