Theoretically, the concept of diagnosis is a good one. It involves gathering a patient’s case history, their symptoms, lab results, and other diagnostic tests. In this way, the patient’s illness is corroborated and named.
The practitioner will then use this label to determine the treatment approach. The treatment could involve drugs, surgery, therapy, diet, or, in the alternate therapies, acupuncture needles, herbs, homeopathic remedies, etc. The flaw in this system is the limitations of the database you are drawing upon. In the case of traditional medicine, the database will involve physiological and structural evaluations that are very materialistically inclined. Even though reference is sometimes made to emotions and environmental stresses, these references are vague at best.
Acupuncturists will also include the meridians in their evaluations and psychologists will include case history and environmental and emotional stress factors. The big problem lies in fact that the new physics is omitted from all of these preceding treatment models. Diagnostic approaches preclude what the new physics has clearly demonstrated; that the bodymind is far more complex than the Cartesian model asserts. For a start, the energy dynamics of the bodymind are entangled with patterns of energy associated with the environment. |
People who are close to the patient, or anyone who has an influence on the patient’s life, will bring about quantum entanglements. These entanglements will definitely influence the health of the person. A celebrity’s fan base, for example, constitutes a huge entanglement. Family, friends, and even strangers who have powerful impacts via the media can also present a quantum entanglement for the patient. Animals, plants, and electronic devices can also fall into the category of quantum entanglement. On top of this, the patient will also have stored emotional memories, attitudes, and belief systems that are still affecting brain function, however well the patient thinks they have dealt with them. In short, when a patient’s health problems are narrowed down to a simplistic label, such as a stomach ulcer or breast cancer, a great injustice is being done to the patient. The limitations of a diagnostic database have omitted key elements that are crucial in addressing their ailment in a truly holistic way. Instead, a host of unique factors, contributing to and underpinning their symptom, are being ignored. |
When a patient’s health problems are diluted down and given a generic label, the subsequent treatment model will be equally generic. This does not mean that the diagnostic model for arriving at a treatment protocol is always deficient. In many cases, the treatment prescribed can actually be one that is in excess of what the bodymind complex actually requires.
While healthcare modalities persist in using diagnosis as their medium, generic symptoms will remain the benchmark for treatment protocols. What this means is that patients will continue to be treated as if they are generic human beings. In essence, the diagnostic model ignores the uniqueness of each individual and the uniqueness and complexity of their individual health issues. Healthcare modalities that fail to factor the new physics into their treatment models continue to pigeon-hole their patients into categories of disease. This is why so many people label themselves as "a cancer patient", "a diabetic", etc. Patients are, essentially, being taught to identify with their symptoms. These labels describe only one element of a complex energy dynamic and entanglement happening within their bodymind. As was mentioned before, rigid attitudes and belief systems are quantum entanglements. When a patient adopts the identity of a symptom, they identify with a superficial aspect of their bodymind’s overall health. This new identity, “I am a cancer patient” or even “I am a cancer survivor”, is highly detrimental. When a patient identifies with a symptom, this attitude can constitute, in and of itself, a health problem. |
When the bodymind’s own innate wisdom is left out of the treatment equation, more often than not, symptoms recur or transmute. To successfully address the total range of influences complicit in any disease, an understanding of the laws of quantum physics is essential. Healthcare modalities that do not use this database of information and laws are not practicing holistic medicine. They are performing first aid.